Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tea Rose Halter Top

Okay - So I was gone for 2 1/2 weeks at my mother's following her knee replacement and I haven't posted since I have been back. I went into hiding!

She lives pretty much in a very rural area (aka . . boonies) and its a good drive into town to doctors or grocery stores. Needless to day, I did not get very much done on the things that I PLANNED ON FINISHING! Dang it all! I did get this done, however:

Tea Rose Halter Top by Wenlan Chia from Interweave Knits, Spring 2007

I also was able to get a lot of beadwork done and some designing of earring patterns too! So I have some new earrings that I have completed from Mary Hipples designs and a couple of my own design!

In the next 2 weeks (promise) I hope to have the bullion sleeve top done! (If it kills me) I will find the time to complete it as I want to wear it to my dh's parents 50th wedding anniversary towards the end of September.

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